Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Eclipse Release to Sync Web Development

Source: InternerNews


The Eclipse Foundation wants to help Web application and Java software vendors agree on technology.

The foundation this week will make Web Tools Platform (WTP) 1.0 available for download. Version 1.0 standardizes Web and Java EE (define) development applications and will help vendors build an industry-wide consensus on the technologies used to create Web applications.

The goal of the WTP is to build a platform that allows for a high level of re-use and extensibility so users can go from one vendor to another -- say IBM WebSphere to BEA WebLogic -- without needing to institute widespread changes or add components from one application to the other.

"This release really starts to deliver on the vision of the Web Tools Platform," Mike Milinkovich, Eclipse Foundation director, said in a statement. "Providing a strong platform for companies to leverage when building Web and J2EE tools is a critical component of Eclipse's strategy for providing a universal development platform for tools integration."

Read Complete Article. . .

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