Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Eclipse IDE Gains More Members, Plug-ins

Source: Integration Developers News

The Eclipse IDE received a wave of new members, plug-ins and core technology contributions. The latest Eclipse offerings offer support for debugging, business intelligence, build management, prototyping, and even plans to add modeling UIs and forms. IDN provides a shopping list and links to all the free downloads, where available.

The new Eclipse plug-ins and memberships were announced at last month’s EclipseCon2006.


Anonymous said...

"The new Eclipse plug-ins and memberships were announced at last month’s EclipseCon2006."

For those who missed EclipseCon, Ward Cunningham discusses his keynote during a 20-minute audio interview at:

Ward discusses social software and global collaboration. He advocates extreme programming and agile development and he talks about organizing open source project teams.

Business Communications Los Angeles said...

It's an amazing paragraph in support of all the web users.