Saturday, November 05, 2005

IBM Contributes Software Development Blueprints to Eclipse

Source: IBM Rational Advisor


IBM plans to contribute a subset of the IBM Rational Unified Process (RUP) to the Eclipse Foundation, an open source community that provides a free, Java-based platform to more easily produce software. A collection of methods and best practices for promoting quality and efficiency throughout software development projects, RUP has guided developers in projects ranging from small-scale product development to large industrial-strength systems. IBM's donation will also provide a foundation architecture and Web tools for the industry to engineer, collaborate on, share, and reuse software development best practices.

IBM's donation is designed to promote a collaborative, industry-wide effort to synthesize, share, and automate development processes and best practices among independent software vendors, IT organizations building integrated software systems, academia, the research community, and individual software professionals on small or large teams. If widely adopted, IBM envisions that RUP could improve software development practices within organizations and throughout the industry. It also could improve the ability to quickly respond to business and market changes that businesses are achieving through standardization in other areas, such as Web services and service-oriented architecture (SOA) standards that integrate previously siloed data and applications with customers, partners, and suppliers.

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