Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Cape Clear primes ESB pipeline with Eclipse tool initiative

Source: ZDNet.com


The virtuous adoption engine that ignites when a tool and runtime complement one other and help to drive market adoption of the "platform" is one of those effects that I always thought deserves a law associated with it, ala Moore's Law or Metcalfe's Law. How about, The Integrated Law of Viral Software Adoption, or perhaps better yet, Gates's Law?

In any event, a latest whirling dervish of the adoption power of tools and infrastructure came last week as Cape Clear set about injecting its Studio Tool functionality into the hugely influential Eclipse Open Source IDE.

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Eclipse Foundation Announces Web Tools Platform 1.0; Eclipse WTP Project Ships Platform API for Independent Extension

Source: BusinessWire


The Eclipse Foundation, an open source community committed to implementation of a universal development platform, will make the Eclipse Web Tools Platform (WTP) 1.0 release generally available the week of Dec 19th, 2005. Eclipse WTP 1.0 is an extensible, standards-based tool platform for developing J2EE and Web applications. WTP has already been adopted by the leading J2EE suppliers, including BEA, Borland, IBM, JBoss and ObjectWeb. This full version release solidifies the platform API for 3rd party extension, and accompanying major documentation improvements make WTP ready for the next-level of vendor adoption.

"This release really starts to deliver on the vision of the Web Tools Platform," said Mike Milinkovich, executive director of the Eclipse Foundation. "Providing a strong platform for companies to leverage when building Web and J2EE tools is a critical component of Eclipse's strategy for providing a universal development platform for tools integration."

"The new features of WTP 1.0 are designed to create a more vendor ready platform for Web and J2EE development," said Tim Wagner, the PMC Lead of the Web Tools Project from BEA Systems. "Working together with the diverse member companies in the project and the community has helped immensely to produce these platform APIs, which can help to better enable other commercial vendors to leverage WTP tools for their products."

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Eclipse Release to Sync Web Development

Source: InternerNews


The Eclipse Foundation wants to help Web application and Java software vendors agree on technology.

The foundation this week will make Web Tools Platform (WTP) 1.0 available for download. Version 1.0 standardizes Web and Java EE (define) development applications and will help vendors build an industry-wide consensus on the technologies used to create Web applications.

The goal of the WTP is to build a platform that allows for a high level of re-use and extensibility so users can go from one vendor to another -- say IBM WebSphere to BEA WebLogic -- without needing to institute widespread changes or add components from one application to the other.

"This release really starts to deliver on the vision of the Web Tools Platform," Mike Milinkovich, Eclipse Foundation director, said in a statement. "Providing a strong platform for companies to leverage when building Web and J2EE tools is a critical component of Eclipse's strategy for providing a universal development platform for tools integration."

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Eclipse touts Web, J2EE development in tools release

Source: LinuxWorld


Bolstering development of Web and enterprise J2EE applications in the open source arena, the Eclipse Foundation is set to release Version 1.0 of its Eclipse Web Tools Platform.

Version 1.0 features the official APIs for the platform, which had been available in previous incarnations with provisional APIs. "We're declaring ourselves ready as a platform for commercial adoption," said Tim Wagner, a project lead for the Web Tools Platform and senior manager on the BEA Systems Workshop team.

Web Tools Platform 1.0 will serve as precursor to a planned release of several Eclipse technologies simultaneously next June, via a bundle now dubbed "Callisto."

A top-level project at Eclipse, Eclipse Web Tools Platform features editors for Java and associated technologies. J2EE 1.4 is supported on the platform, which plugs in to the Eclipse open source IDE.

Editors are included for JavaServer Pages, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, XML, and XSD (XML Schema Definition). Wizards are included for generating Enterprise JavaBeans, session beans, and message beans. Code is generated automatically.

Vendors can use Web Tools Platform 1.0 as a base offering on which to add value for commercial purposes. BEA plans to implement the Web Tools Platform in its BEA Workshop development platform and equip it with functionality such as facilities for using for the Apache Beehive programming model and extended support for the BEA WebLogic Server application server.

The Web Services Explorer tool featured in Web Tools Platform 1.0 is a browser-based application allowing for discovery and invocation of Web services from within the platform. "It allows you to, for example, go out to discover a WSDL or Web service that's available on the Web and begin interacting with it directly," Wagner said. An example could be an Amazon Web service geared toward the Amazon product catalog; users would not have to write any code to get to the Web service.

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Saturday, December 17, 2005

Visual Paradigm Continues Focus on Visual Studio .NET, Eclipse, and Java



Hong Kong-based Visual Paradigm International focuses on being a leading provider of software solutions that enable organizations to develop quality applications faster, better and cheaper. "Visual Paradigm is dedicated to the continuing delivery of software, services, and partnerships to help our customers to accurately transform systems requirement into quality software solutions, with minimum risk and maximum ROI., the company says.

The company says it is "the only proven vendor offering the widest coverage of interoperability software development solutions that are platform-independent," through its support of the Microsoft Visual Studio .NET, Eclipse, and other major Java-integrated environments.

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Linux gains graphical, eclipse-based testing tool

Source: LinuxDevices.com


Bredex GmbH is shipping a release candidate for a graphical, eclipse-based tool said to simplify the testing of applications written in Java and Swing. The GUIdancer release candidate is available as a 30-day demo for Windows or Unix hosts, and is expected to ship in January, the company says.

According to Bredex, GUIdancer allows users without programming skills to easily create, and maintain tests. Tests are specified using interactive menus, and specification can begin before the AUT (application under test) is available.

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Sun adds Apache embedded database to Java Enterprise System

Source: Computer Business Review


For a change, Sun and IBM are on the same page again with Java. Sun has just announced that it is bundling the Apache Derby embedded database into its Java Enterprise System. It follows Sun's recent announcement to bundle Postgres, another open source database, as the embedded development data store in Solaris

Derby has a fairly long lineage. As one of the first embedded Java databases, it was originally developed by the old Informix back in the dot com era. After IBM acquired Informix, the technology sat in the back room for a while until IBM got around to donating it to the Apache Foundation, under the name Project Derby.

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AJAX-Based Echo2 Web Framework, EchoStudio2 Eclipse Plug-In Released

Source: PRNNewsWire


NextApp, Inc., today announced the availability of the open-source AJAX-based Echo2 Web Framework and commercially-licensed EchoStudio2 Visual Development Tool. Echo2 unifies AJAX technology with a practical server-side framework to create a next-generation web application platform. For web application developers, Echo2 provides a familiar and powerful component-oriented framework that promotes event-oriented design similar to traditional thick-client user interface toolkits like Java Swing or Eclipse SWT. Echo2 leverages AJAX technology to deliver rich internet applications that create a user experience normally reserved for desktop-based applications.

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Thursday, December 15, 2005

Nexaweb Joins the Eclipse Foundation

Source: BusinessWire


Nexaweb Technologies, Inc. provider of the leading software framework for building and deploying Rich Internet Applications (RIAs), today announced it has joined the Eclipse Foundation, a not-for-profit industry organization committed to developing and promoting the open-source Eclipse universal development environment. As an Eclipse Foundation Add-In Provider, Nexaweb continues to participate in the open-source community and to align its industry-leading (RIA) software tools with the Eclipse community's leading-edge efforts to enhance developer productivity in building and deploying next-generation enterprise-class rich Internet applications.

Nexaweb's Eclipse-based integrated development environment (IDE), Nexaweb Studio, has supported the Eclipse open-source development platform since 2003, providing a robust tool set for developers to build rich Internet applications without compromising performance and functionality. Demonstrating ongoing support of the Eclipse Foundation, the current version of Nexaweb Studio is fully integrated with the soon-to-be-released Eclipse Web Tools Platform. This early integration effort will further increase developer productivity in building, integrating and delivering business-critical Internet applications by leveraging the flexible and extendible capabilities of the Nexaweb Studio.

"The goal of the Eclipse Foundation is to foster development advancements within the open source community," said Mike Milinkovich, executive director of the Eclipse Foundation. "As a longstanding supporter of Eclipse and leader in the rich Internet application market, Nexaweb has exemplified complete support of the open source developer community. We're pleased by their continued commitment to RIA development and welcome the company as a member of the Eclipse Foundation."

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Nexaweb Technologies Joins Eclipse Foundation

Source: ebizQ


Nexaweb Technologies, Inc. provider of a software framework for building and deploying Rich Internet Applications (RIAs), today announced it has joined the Eclipse Foundation, a not-for-profit industry organization committed to developing and promoting the open-source Eclipse universal development environment.

The following details were provided:

As an Eclipse Foundation Add-In Provider, Nexaweb continues to participate in the open-source community and to align its industry-leading (RIA) software tools with the Eclipse community?s leading-edge efforts to enhance developer productivity in building and deploying next-generation enterprise-class rich Internet applications.

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Cape Clear To Bring Open Source ESB Tools to Eclipse

Source: OETrends.Com


Cape Clear this week said will bring ESB-driven tools to the Eclipse Open Source IDE. The work will be based on the company?s current Cape Clear Studio tool, which supports XML, WSDL and even BPEL (Business Process Execution Language). OET speaks with Cape Clear execs to get a glimpse at what 2006 holds for Open Source ESB tools for web services and SOA.

The company?s Cape Clear Studio tool, which is a component of the company?s just-release Cape Clear 6.5, ESB, is already integrated Eclipse, and supports BPEL, XML/WSDL and Java.

This week?s move to join Eclipse is driven by Cape Clear?s vision to deliver a more business-friendly end-to-end toolset for ESBs, Cape Clear co-founder David Clarke told OET. Cape Clear Studio ?makes creation and orchestration of services more productive,? Clarke said, and moving that business-aware vision for ESBs forward is at the heart of Cape Clear?s Eclipse decision, he added. ?There are always going to be certain parts of the [ESB] tooling infrastructure that will be baked into Eclipse,? Clarke said.

In 2006, the underlying ESB technologies from various vendors, including non-Java vendors such as Microsoft, will become increasingly compatible and interoperable, Clarks told OET. In fact, he said that as more and more vendors base their ESB stack around a common stack of web services standards (WS-*) and XML-friendly standards tooling will be a key differentiator for ESBs.

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Tuesday, December 13, 2005

MyEclipse 4.1 Ships new Web 2.0 Development Tools

Source: TMCNet


Today Genuitec, the innovator in Eclipse-based enterprise development tools, announced availability of the MyEclipse Enterprise Workbench 4.1. Backed by world-class support, MyEclipse is the comprehensive J2EE�- and Web-development tool suite designed for Enterprise developers and consultants looking for top value in a commercial-grade Integrated Development Environment (IDE). MyEclipse 4.1 is the first Eclipse-based platform to support AJAX development, offer an integrated image editor and include new Web 2.0 development capabilities.

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Friday, December 09, 2005

Ajax, app quality enhancements are readied

Source: Computerworld


NextApp Inc. and Compuware Corp. next week are set to boost offerings for application development in the areas of Asynchronous Java plus XML (Ajax) and application quality management, respectively.

For NextApp, the company's EchoStudio2 visual development tool gives Eclipse developers another option for using AJAX on the Eclipse open-source tools platform. Part of the Echo2 platform for building Web-based applications, EchoStudio plugs into the Eclipse 3.1 integrated development environment (IDE).

"You can develop high-end Ajax applications entirely from within Eclipse," said Tod Liebeck, chief software architect at NextApp.

EchoStudio 2 is set to be available on Monday for $499. Complementing EchoStudio is Echo2, which is a free, open-source framework that lacks the visual tools and Eclipse backing.

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Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Cape Clear Joins Eclipse

Source: eWeek


Cape Clear Software Inc. Monday announced its membership in the Eclipse Foundation, the open-source community focused on building and maintaining an open-source development platform that spans the application lifecycle.

By aligning its tools strategy with the Eclipse tools platform, Cape Clear joins a host of others independent software vendors who have standardized on the fast-growing Eclipse standard IDE (integrated development environment), rather than start from scratch with a proprietary or other technology.

"Cape Clear joining Eclipse is probably notable only in that it shows that Eclipse has reached the point where it's now the default IDE of choice for most vendors," said Ron Schmelzer, an analyst with ZapThink LLC., in Waltham, Mass. "Indeed, there is very little value in startup and emerging technology vendors developing their own IDE, so I think we're finally at that point."

Cape Clear's move will enhance the functionality of Cape Clear Studio, a component of Cape Clear's latest release, Cape Clear 6.5, the company said. Cape Clear Studio is an integrated toolset based on the Eclipse IDE, and it includes support for the BPEL (Business process Execution Language, XML, Web Services Description Language and Java development tools. The toolset is used to build SOA (service-oriented architecture) applications.

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Cape Clear Announces Its Membership in Eclipse Foundation

Source: PRNNewsWire


Cape Clear Software -- recently cited as an Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) leader by Forrester Research -- today announced it has become a member in the Eclipse Foundation, an open source community committed to implementation of a universal development platform.

Cape Clear's most recent product release provides a tooling environment for the end-to-end development of service oriented architectures (SOA) that is completely unified within the Eclipse environment. As a plug-in member of the Eclipse Foundation, Cape Clear will continue to build tools that extend the usefulness and reach of the Eclipse platform. Cape Clear intends to work with Eclipse open source initiatives to contribute new capabilities for a range of Eclipse activities, including the Eclipse Web Tools Platform, an Eclipse project conceived to simplify the development of Web-centric applications.

"Cape Clear's leadership in simplifying Web services development make them a welcome addition to the Eclipse ecosystem," said Mike Milinkovich, Executive Director, Eclipse Foundation. "Cape Clear's contribution to the Eclipse open source projects will be of great value to the Eclipse community."

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Friday, December 02, 2005

IONA Joins Service Component Architecture Standards Development

Source: ebizQ


IONA� Technologies (NASDAQ: IONA), a provider of high-performance integration solutions for mission-critical IT environments, today announced the company?s participation as a co-author of the recently announced Service Component Architecture (SCA) specifications. IONA joins a group of industry-leading Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) proponents in an effort to create a new set of standards designed to better define the model for development and deployment of business applications comprised of services.
?The introduction of the SCA specifications is extremely complementary to IONA?s role as the proposed leader of the Eclipse Foundation?s SOA Tooling Platform Project.?

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Cape Clear 6.5 Extends ESB Leadership for the Enterprise

Source: CRM Today


Despite the promises of vendors, for too long SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) applications have achieved nothing more than `business as usual` - ever more expensive IT systems that seldom meet an organisation's strategic goals. Cape Clear Software - recently cited as a leader in the Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) category by Forrester Research - is to change this forever with the launch of Cape Clear 6.5.
Cape Clear 6.5 delivers three key benefits that deliver on the promise of an open, simplified SOA platform for mission critical deployments:

1. Unified Eclipse Toolset - A unified SOA development toolset that
reduces application development time and effort. Cape Clear Studio 6.5 provides a single, integrated toolset within the Eclipse Integrated Development Environment, including enhanced BPEL, XML/WSDL and Java development tools. This toolset supports seamless source code control system integration, single-click deploy-and-test capabilities, and automatic detection and configuration of application server environments.

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Genuitec Adds AJAX to Eclipse Toolset

Source: eWeek


With the release of MyEclipse 4.1, Genuitec LLC is going after the Web 2.0 developer by adding AJAX support to its Eclipse-based integrated development environment.

MyEclipse 4.1, the latest release of the Plano, Texas, company's IDE, will be available for download in mid-December, Genuitec officials said.

With the new version of MyEclipse, Genuitec is proving its toolset can go across the Java application development lifecycle, from heavyweight J2EE (Java 2 Enterprise Edition) development to lighter weight Java-based alternative frameworks such as Hibernate and Spring. In addition, the company is proving that it can provide a low-cost IDE based on the open-source Eclipse platform and still make money, said Maher Masri, president of Genuitec.

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Eclipse developers to get AJAX access

Source: LinuxWorld


Developers accustomed to the Eclipse open source tools platform will have access to AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript plus XML) functionality from Genuitec.

The company in December plans to ship MyEclipse Enterprise Workbench 4.1, a new version of Genuitec's J2EE IDE that is built on the Eclipse platform and offers support for developing with AJAX. JavaScript editing and debugging are featured.

The AJAX support is being billed by Genuitec as a first step in offering Web 2.0 development capabilities. Web 2.0 refers to an industry effort to transition the Web from a collection of static Web sites to a platform for applications.

"With the AJAX tools, that is our first step into Web 2.0 tooling," said Wayne Parrott, vice president of product development at Genuitec.

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